Monthly Tuition Rates

Infant (6 weeks - 12 months)

  • 4 days/week: $1,900

  • 3 days/week: $1,700

Young toddler (13 - 24 months)

  • 4 days/week: $1,700

  • 3 days/week: $1,500

Toddler (25 - 30 months)

  • 4 days/week: $1,650

  • 3 days/week: $1,450

30+ months*

  • 4 days/week: $1,600

  • 3 days/week: $1,400

*Must be fully potty-trained. If not, tuition may be higher.

Payment Policies

Our tuition policies are based on the ability to continue to offer quality care to children at affordable rates. Tuition is charged by the month and is due the first business day of the month in the morning. There is a late fee charged at the rate of $20 per day if tuition is not paid on time.

There is a one time, non-refundable registration fee of $200 to enroll and does not apply towards any other fees. Additionally, there is a $100 enrollment fee for each age progression. This fee is due no later than one month prior to your child’s birthday. If your enrollment fee is not paid it will be deemed that your intent is to terminate your enrollment and will serve as your 30-day termination notice. Tuition is subject to an annual increase of 2-5%.

Tuition is based on enrollment of the same days each week. If you are not enrolled for attendance every day, and on occasion are in need of an extra day, you may request to purchase an extra day if space is available by obtaining and filling out an extra day request form and paying an additional fee of $60 per day.